Terms of Use

Terms of Use


This page explains certain restrictions imposed by law on the distribution of this information and the countries in which our products are authorized for sale. It is your responsibility to be aware of and to observe all applicable laws and regulations of any relevant jurisdiction.

1. General
For the purpose of compliance with the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), this material is communicated by Swiss-Asia Financial Services Pte. Ltd., a Singapore registered company holding a Capital Markets Services License under the Securities and Futures Act, to conduct the regulated activities of Fund Management (License No: CMS100074-5).

Registered Office: 8 Shenton Way, AXA Tower, #25-02, Singapore 068811

2. Description of Website
Access to and use of the www.tgccm3.com website (the “Site”) and the materials found on it (the “Content”), including the investment products referred to on it (the “Investment Products”) are subject to the following terms and conditions (these “Terms”). By clicking the confirmation at the bottom of these Terms, you signify that you have read, understood and accepted these Terms.

Unless otherwise indicated, the Content is made available by Swiss-Asia Financial Services Pte. Ltd. (“SAFS”) 8 Shenton Way, AXA Tower, #25-02, Singapore 068811.

This Site offers information about SAFS and its affiliates and its approach to developing and providing fully-serviced alternative investment products, the products themselves, performance and investment opportunities. Information about our company as well as relevant press releases and articles may also be available on the Site.

SAFS may update, revise, delete or modify information on this Site without notice. Information should only be considered current as of the time of initial publication on this Site or as otherwise stated on this Site without regard to the date on which you may access the information.

3. Restricted Access
This Site, the Content and the Investment Products are not directed at or intended for distribution to any person (or entity) who is a citizen or resident of (or located or established in) any jurisdiction where the use of the Site (or the purchase or sale of the Investment Products) would be contrary to applicable law or regulation or would subject SAFS to any registration or licensing requirement in such jurisdiction. Persons who wish to access this Site are required by SAFS to inform themselves about and to observe any legal or regulatory restrictions which may affect their eligibility to access the Site or to subscribe for interests in the Investment Products. Professional advice should be sought in cases of doubt.

Only “Eligible Investors” as defined in our Fund’s relevant offering materials may subscribe for or hold Participating Shares in the Swiss-Asia Investment Products. Eligible Investors must also satisfy the requirements for an “Accredited Investor” under the definition of the Securities and Futures Act (Chapter 289) of Singapore (SFA). Before investing in the Fund, potential investors are requested to refer to relevant offering materials to determine if they satisfy the requirements for Eligible Investors and for Accredited Investors.

4. No Offer
The Content is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute a solicitation or offer, or advice or recommendation, to buy or sell interests in any Investment Products, to effect any transactions, or to conclude any transaction of any kind whatsoever.

Potential investors should read the terms and conditions in the relevant offering materials carefully before any investment decision is made and pay particular attention to the relevant clarifying the persons to whom this material is intended to be communicated. Certain Investment Products can only be redeemed on a monthly or quarterly basis with initial lockup periods enforced. Investors redeeming before a specified date may be subject to a redemption fee.

5. Singapore
The offer or invitation which is the subject of documents or pages on this website is not allowed to be made to the retail public. Contents should in no way be assimilated with a prospectus as defined in the Securities and Futures Act, Chapter 289 of Singapore (“SFA”). Accordingly, statutory liability under that Act in relation to the content of prospectuses would not apply. Offers, or invitations for investments may be made to institutional investors specified in Section 304 of the SFA. None of the documents contained on this website have been registered as a prospectus with the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Accordingly, these documents and any other document or material in connection with the offer or sale, or invitation for subscription or purchase, of Shares/Units/Interests may not be circulated or distributed, nor may Shares/Units/Interests be offered or sold, or be made the subject of an invitation for subscription or purchase, whether directly or indirectly, to persons in Singapore other than (i) to an institutional investor specified in Section 304 of the SFA, (ii) to a relevant person, or any person pursuant to Section 305(2), and in accordance with the conditions, specified in Section 305 of the SFA or (iii) otherwise pursuant to, and in accordance with the conditions of, any other applicable provision of the SFA.

6. United States
The Investment Products that are described or appear on this Site are not available to United States persons.

7. Monitoring by SAFS
Your use of the services on this Site may be monitored by SAFS, and the resultant information may be used by SAFS or its affiliates for its internal business purposes or in accordance with the rules of any applicable regulatory or self-regulatory organization.

8. No Commercial Exploitation
Except as stated in this section 7, the copyright and other intellectual property rights in the Content are owned by SAFS. Any use of the Content for any purpose is accordingly prohibited except as stated below. With the exception of Content supplied on the Site in a format for you to download – “*.PDF”, you may not reproduce, transmit, modify, store, archive or in any other way use for any public or commercial purpose this Site or any of the Content without the prior written permission of SAFS. In particular, neither you nor any third party acting on your behalf or at your instigation may:

  • Redistribute to any other person any of the Content (whether as part of any library, archive or similar service or otherwise);
  • Remove the copyright or trade mark notice from any copies of Content;
  • Create a database in electronic or structured manual form by systematically downloading and storing all or any of the Content.

9. Responsibilities of User

  • You are responsible for any use of the Site made by you.
  • You undertake to use your best endeavors to use the Site in accordance with applicable law and regulation and to ensure that nothing you do whilst accessing the Site will damage the Site.

10. No Warranties and Exclusion of Liability
Whilst SAFS shall use reasonable efforts to obtain information from sources which we believe to be reliable, SAFS gives no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of any information, opinions or forecasts contained on the Site, nor does it undertake to ensure that this Site will be available or accessible at all times.

SAFS shall have no liability (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) for any direct, indirect, consequential or special losses or damages of any kind whatsoever arising from or in connection with the access to, use of or linking to other websites (“Linked Websites”) from this Site or any reliance on any of the Content.

SAFS is not responsible for the content of any Linked Websites and accordingly accepts no liability with respect thereto or for any reliance placed upon such Linked Websites.

SAFS is not liable for persons or matters beyond its reasonable control (such as telephone and other communications networks, the internet or your internet service provider).

These exclusions of liability do not apply to the extent that such exclusions are invalid or ineffective under any law or regulation applicable to SAFS.

11. Investment Performance
Potential investors should note that investments can involve significant risks and the value of an investment may go down as well as up. The Investment Products on this Site typically use alternative investment strategies and may invest in derivatives of any kind. The prices of futures, options and other instruments in which the products may invest may fall in value as rapidly as they may rise and it may not be possible to liquidate the positions in the relevant markets before a loss is sustained. No assurance can be given that the investment objective of any Investment Product will be achieved or that substantial losses will not be suffered. There is no guarantee of trading performance and past or projected performance is not necessarily a guide to future results. Movements in exchange rates between currencies may affect the value of an investment.

12. No Reliance
Nothing contained on this Site constitutes investment, legal, tax or other advice or a recommendation to purchase or sell any investment. You should not rely on any of the Content in making an investment or other decision but should obtain relevant and specific professional advice and read the terms and conditions contained in the relevant offering prospectus carefully before any investment decision is made.

13. Material Interests
Any one of SAFS or its affiliates or their directors, officers, employees, agents or representatives may have or have had an interest or holding, relationship or other arrangement with the Investment Products which may be material.

You should be aware that any rules and/or regulations applicable to the provision of financial services (and the resultant investor protection benefits that may be available), may not be applicable to interfacing conducted through the internet medium and its various applications, of which this material forms part.

14. Miscellaneous
You should be aware that your dealings with any SAFS entity are not covered by the rules and/or regulations made for the protection of investors in your country of legal residence, including any compensation arrangements, complaints process or rights of cancellation under the rules of the Financial Services Authority of your country. Similar protections may be available under the rules and regulations applicable in the jurisdiction in which business is conducted but you must make your own investigation of such matters.

You should be aware that any rules and/or regulations applicable to the provision of financial services (and the resultant investor protection benefits that may be available), may not be applicable to interfacing conducted through the internet medium and its various applications, of which this material forms part.

15. How to proceed to the site
You will only be eligible to access this web site if you can confirm that each of the statements set out below is true and accurate.


  • To the best of my knowledge, after due inquiry, I am permitted by the laws of my jurisdiction of residence to access this site and the information contained therein; and
  • I have read and understood the terms and conditions of use and confirm to be bound by them.